I do think the HST was a proper decision by the Province. In fact, I think the Cons. made a mistake by reducing the GST to 5% -- like buying voters with their own money. The world is moving to a value added taxation system. It is easier to police (and collect ) than income taxes, though it is more regressive and unfair to low wage earners, unless compensating tax credits are made. Someone has to pay the piper; pave the roads, pay for medicare and keep us oldsters happy, eh?
In Europe, for example, Britain; the VAT is about 23 percent. In Norway (my "old country"), the VAT on goods is 22%, on groceries 12%. Income taxes are similar to ours, except they tend to be more progressive in the upper brackets. They have to pay for the welfare state, one way or another. Yet, they seem to manage just fine; spending money like a house on fire, including regular vacations in Turkey