Monday, April 19, 2010


ICELAND PREPARING VOLCANO BLACKMAIL !Share.. Today at 7:34pm | Edit Note | Delete

I have just been told by my relatives in Norway that the volcanic eruption in Iceland is no " Black Swan" or" Act of God", but a deliberate show of the supernatural power of the Icelandic nation. The eruption of Eyjafjallajoekull is just a preamble to the planned eruption of Hekla and Katla, the "Angry Sisters", which is now being readied should the forthcoming demand ,for a huge, interest free loan by the World Bank and the European Union of about ten billion Icelandic Kronor (about fifty dollar ) not be forthcoming. " We would rather just take the money and run" said Erik Readbeardsson, the Icelandic "Charge de Affairs" of the country's fisheries and volcaniac activity control (Islandisk fiskeri og vulkan-controlleringsorganizasjonogsakerogting). We must now await the international community's reaction and reply to this hightly unusual situation, which has been characaterized by the Obama administration in the US as nothing less than an attempt at economic blackmail, even worse than Iran. UFFDA !

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